
I like to craft great web apps with great user experiences.

picture of developer

About Me

Hello There 👋 I am Arpan Mondal

Welcome to my little digital garden in this vast world, where I share my learnings.

I am currently a 4th year undergrad student of Computer Science and Engineering. I am a developer and a technical writer. I love to code and also mutually solve problems within peers. I also like teaching code to my juniors in Hackiton(The official coding club of my college 😅).

Though I have worked with various technologies, my inclination and strengths lies towards frontend side of things. I have worked with Javascript, Typescript, React, Redux, Nextjs, Jest. I have also worked with various backend technologies like Nodejs, Expressjs, MongoDB.

I started Web development in the covid lockdown, back in April 2020 and most of it at neoG Camp, a Cohort Based Course taught by Tanay Pratap. The team based learning and getting inspiration from peer groups really boosted my confidence and skillset in web development.

Apart From web development I also like solving DSA problems, Before web development I used to do Competitive Programming, but couldn't get much success 😥 there, So shifted towards development.


Stuffs I have built

Have a look at
my open sourced Web apps

My Technical Blogs

I write about
Frontend, new libraries etc


Follow me on my Socials
